Through our international contacts we are immediately up-to-date with the newest developments globally. Is Madrid putting in place a permanent citizen council? Is Ireland appointing a Citizens’ Assembly to revise the Constitution? Is an Australian region drawing citizens by lot to discuss the disposal of nuclear waste? As of Spring 2019, we will bring concise, factual and methodological briefs on these developments, practical for politicians, journalists and activists.
Issue #1: 15 questions à se poser avant de lancer des processus de participation et délibération citoyenne de type panel, conférence ou assemblée de citoyens (French only, translations will be provided later) + Annex: Oversight of deliberative democracy initiatives (English)
You may also find the following resources useful:
- Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions - Catching the deliberative wave
It is the first empirical comparative study that analyses how representative deliberative processes (such as Citizens’ Assemblies and Juries) are being used for public decision making around the world.
The study draws on data collected from 289 case studies from 1986 to October 2019, mostly from OECD countries, identifying 12 distinct models of deliberative processes. It develops good practice principles for deliberative processes for public decision making and explores 3 routes to institutionalising citizen deliberation.
Members of the G1000 took part in the international advisory group.Highlights (PDF) |
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